Samantha Kriegshauser
Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer
Samantha has been a leader in the senior and different ability field for 25 years, 18 of which have been with AEC. After 13 years in leadership, in 2019 Samantha was named CEO and took the helm of Adult Enrichment Centers Inc. Samantha fervently believes and wholeheartedly practices the building of an inclusive community for all, and is proud that at AEC “We See More” – more opportunity, more creativity, more possibilities. She is a board member of The Gravity Center, a founding board member of York CAN, and serves on the National Adult Day Services board; is a National Board Certified Dementia Educator, Dementia Dialogues Trainer, Certified TimeSlips Facilitator; and is certified in MANDT and in Montessori for Dementia and related disorders.