High5 School of the Arts
Day Programs for Adults With Disabilities
Connect With Community
At High5, everyone has a voice, diversity and inclusion is the norm, and people of all abilities fully engage with life through quality learning and creative expression. Our day programs for adults with disabilities empower members to pursue personal interests and assure caregivers that their loved ones are practicing essential life skills in a safe environment. The High5 campus is located in Rock Hill, SC and serves members from across York County including York and Fort Mill.
Who We Serve
High5 is a day program for disabled adults ages 18 and up, with members primarily representing young adults with a variety of intellectual and developmental disabilities. Most members live at home and choose to remain active in study, activities, and community life. People enjoy membership in a short- or long-term capacity, depending on employment status and family needs.
We see an average of 40 members per day – some are with us all week, others choose to come one or three days a week.
Members are primarily English speaking, and other languages are represented.
Qualifiers for Membership
Candidates for High5 membership include those who:
- Can participate in a small group setting
- Do not display verbally or physically aggressive behavior
- Need minimal assistance with ADL tasks
- Do not need 1:1 assistance
Hours & Schedule
High5 School of the Arts is open Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 3:30 pm.
Program hours are as follows: AM Unit: 7:30 am – 12:30 pm | PM Unit: 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm.
Members can choose their days of attendance and are encouraged to participate in a full schedule of learning and socialization activities.
- Arrival: 7:30 am – 9:00 am
- Programming: 9:00 am – 12:00 am
- Lunch: 11:00 am
- Programming: 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
- Free Time/Departure: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Group and individual activities are offered daily and vary by type and theme depending on member interests. Participation is encouraged but not required. Every member is assigned a role weekly to encourage self-sufficiency, responsibility, and accountability.
Our Curriculum
High5 is a thoughtfully designed day program for adults with disabilities. It primarily engages young adults who are interested in transitional programming beyond high school. By providing opportunities for lifelong learning and a continuum of care, the High5 curriculum fosters confidence, independence and a sense of community.
Programming is hands-on, experiential and intended to encourage “adulting” as well as creativity. Activities address critical life skills through the inclusion in community activities and opportunities to practice social skills, and appeal to member interests like art, technology and gardening.
Monitoring & Support
Membership Fee
Applicants deemed eligible for a Waiver by the SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (DDSN) participate in High5 programming and receive transportation services at no charge to individuals or families. Those who do not qualify may pay for programming privately.
The cost of a High Five School of the Arts membership ranges from $500 to $1,625 per month.
- 1 day/week – Attendance: $500 monthly
- Up to 3 days/week – Attendance: $975 monthly
- Up to 5 days/week – Attendance: $1,625 monthly
Licensure & Audits
High5 is licensed through the SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (DDSN) and undergoes an annual audit for license renewal. The audit consists of ensuring that fire safety inspections are performed, administrative processes are in order, and member involvement is noted in the plan of care.
Day Programs for Adults With Disabilities
359 Park Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Rock Hill, SC
- Phone
- 803.327.7448
- Fax
- 803.302.7318
- Address
- 359 Park Avenue • Rock Hill, SC 29730